Every year I always grow more corn then I can consume whilst it is at its best, so freezing is a way to preserve my crop for use later in the year when I am unable to grow corn.

Here is a series of photos that explains what I do to achieve this very easy crop preservation method. I have shown you similar methods before, but this is a bit different:



Remove all the husk and silk.


Cut the cobs into cobettes.


Drop the cobettes into boiling water for 4-5 mins to blanch.


Once blanched drain of all water


Place  cobettes on a tray, cover with cling plastic and freeze overnight..


Once completely frozen pop into zip lock bags and place back in the freezer. This method allows for single cobettes to be removed from the bag for use when needed.



For more information on starting your productive backyard, check out the website.
If you have questions about your corn crop or preserving your harvest, you can always ask me questions via my Facebook PagePinterest or Instagram!

Happy freezing!
