To celebrate having reached 1,000 likes on Facebook, I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to the little community that I have built up – and what better way to do that than by sharing some of my favourite things!

The competition is pretty easy – share or like the image above on any social media platform and go into the draw to win. Each like or share counts as one entry.

If you sign up to my mailing list so you can receive newsletters about when I will be speaking next, what to plant when and more, you get another entry. Click the link to sign up –>

And that’s it!

The Giveaway pack includes everything you see above –

  • A bottle of Seasol
  • A bottle of Powerfeed
  • A beautiful steel trowel
  • 3 packets of my favourte Mr Fothergill Seeds
  • A goof strong pair of rubber-tipped gardening gloves
  • And my own Annual Vegetable Garden growing guide!

The prize winner will be drawn on the 30th of September, at 8pm.
Whoever wins will need to provide a postal address so I can send you this amazing pack!
If the winner does not respond within 2 days of being announced, then a new winner will be drawn.

This is a one-off giveaway, created just as a way to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who supports My Productive Backyard and everything that I’m trying to achieve, educating as many people as I can about how to grow food better.

For more information on starting your productive backyard, check out the website.
To enter the giveaway, head to my Facebook PagePinterest or Instagram!

Thank you for your support, and good luck in the give away!
