So this week’s blog will wrap up my series on getting prepared for spring planting.
We have our seeds in hand and our beds prepared, so with just a small amount of time each week we can now start getting our plants started.
I like to spend just ½ an hour every week on either direct sowing seeds and/or producing seedlings. This is possible because the beds are pre-prepared and I have all of the seeds I require close at hand.
By planting something every week, it means I can be harvesting something every week.
If you are not confident with directly sowing seeds into your garden or growing your own seedlings check out my lesson on “Producing vegetable seedlings”.
Don’t be tempted to start madly sowing seeds and filling up the whole area you have prepared in a few weeks.
Planting a little often is the best way to replace the “feast and famine” cycle of production with consistent and even production.
Consistent and even production keeps food on the table all year, gives us a great sense of satisfaction and utilises our labour and resources for maximum benefit.
Have a look at my lesson “Getting started with your Annual Vegetable Garden” to give you some tips on working out how much of each crop to grow. Then look at the lesson “Year Round Production”.
This will give you plenty of hints on spreading your production over the whole year and most importantly tips on successive planting.
Successive planting is the key to having consistent production.
Along the east coast, the weather will be still cool enough to get another crop of quick maturing cool season plants, like spinach and a variety of Asian greens, in. Do not be tempted to grow these plants as seedling (or buy punnets of seedlings) and plant out, as they will tend to bolt due to transplanting shock. Sow directly where they are to grow ( in situ).Once they have germinated, feed regularly for quick growth.
I am still getting rocket and mesclun lettuce to germinate, so continue to successive plant these two crops to ensure you have enough mixed leaves for salads. I know it is still a bit cold to be overly enthusiastic about salads, but a small salad alongside a piece of quiche is wonderful all year and a staple lunchtime meal for me.
The soil is still too cool to plant out most of the warm season crops like tomato, capsicum, cucurbits and beans, but we can be starting seedlings inside in a nice bright warm spot, such as a north facing window sill.
Again slow and steady is the answer – don’t be tempted to plant a whole packet of tomato seed, just plant four to six seeds and once they have germinated choose the four strongest seedlings and discard the two weakest.
Then in a month’s time pop in another six seeds and so on until February. This way you should have tomatoes from December through to May.
Maintain these plants as you would any seedling and repot into a slightly larger pot until they can be put into the ground. Try and put them outside during the day, unless particularly cold, and bring them inside at night. When the soil temperate is warm enough, usually by October, pop them into your prepared beds and watch them thrive.
These methods of production can be used for most annual vegetables, so don’t hesitate, get out there today and plant something!
I would love to see what you are growing at your place! Post your photos to the My Productive Backyard Facebook Page or Twitter Feed
Happy Gardening, Kathy
Thank you very much for the tips, I have saved some of them for the future reference! I am a gardener-beginner hence most of the steps take a while longer for me. Patience is the greatest enemy for me, but I guess that is one part of what I need to learn. What I have found quite helpful are the mobile apps with very easily accessible information and tips on how to & what to plant. Do you have any experience with any? I have found these Top 5 Garden Plants Apps, but don’t know whether they are any good yet.
Thanks for the tips!
Hi Laurie, lovely to have you here and thank you for the kind words! I spoke a bit about the websites that I use for finding which plants to plant for my geographic location on my post here:
Im not sure if this is helpful for you, but its what I use. I write growing guides of my own every season, so keep checking back for more information! Happy Growing, Kathy.
I’ve just sown about 100 tomato seeds but I’m looking for gluts so I can preserve them. 🙂 I’ve also got some that have grown from the little sprouted bits I’ve taken off my indoor tomatoes which are fruiting now. 🙂 The slip grown plants will go in the garden as soon as its warm enough, hopefully for a Christmas crop. 🙂
Happy growing!