Golden Shallots
Whilst we have had some cool morning in the past week, the days have been quite warm.
This type of weather always lulls me into a false sense of security and I start wanting to plant some warm season crops such as beans and carrots- but the ground is still too cold for these to germinate so I have to be patient.
I will be putting in a small patch of rocket and coriander this week to maintain my continual supply as well as a few Cos lettuce seedlings.
I also came across a bag of golden shallots from last season’s harvest that I did not realise were still in storage. I will use probably half in the kitchen but plant the rest.
They have become a staple in my kitchen as I love their subtle taste in cooking. This means I am using them more and more so need to plant plenty so I have enough to see me through the year.
They really should have been planted in June but I will put them in and see how they go. They will grow alright but the resulting bulbs may be a bit small. This is not a problem as any small ones I either keep for planting out next year or pickle them. They are quite delicious pickled, somewhat milder than onions, and fabulous with a ploughman’s lunch or mezzie platter.
So if you can find some to plant, either from a nursery or a green grocer, why not pop some in. They love the same conditions as onions and require very little care.
Happy Gardening Kathy