So today I have been out and picked the last of my cauliflowers and several heads of Broccoli. The rain and a couple of warm days and they want to go to flower so they needed to be picked. Trouble is there is much more than we can use this week.

So today I have made beautiful cauliflower and broccoli au gratin. We will have one with dinner this evening the rest will go into the freezer for use later. I do freeze both broccoli and cauliflower florets by blanching and then freezing, but the resulting product is not the same as fresh and I tend to only use it in soups.

The au gratin, however, when thawed and gently heated is almost the same as if it had been made that day.

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So what do I do?
• Pick and wash cauliflower and broccoli, cut into florets
• Slightly steam the cauliflower till just tender
• Then lightly steam the broccoli – I don’t do them at the same time as the broccoli takes half as long to cook as the cauliflower
• Make a cheese sauce, and grate some extra cheese for sprinkling ontop.
• Place an even mixture of broccoli and cauliflower into a heat proof dish, cover with cheese sauce, sprinkle with bread crumbs and more grated cheese and pop into the oven until golden brown.
• Allow to cool. Wrap in cling or place in a plastic bag, extract the air and freeze.

To reheat:
• Remove from the freezer and thaw in the fridge.
• When thawed place in a moderate oven for 30mins
I love to have this au gratin with a roast leg of lamb, baked potato and streamed carrots and snow peas.

Bellissimo !

Are you having a glut of broccoli or cauliflower at your place? If you try this recipe out I want to know about it! Share it with me on my Facebook page.
If you wish that you had a glut of broccoli or cauliflower, maybe what you need is a bit of advice about your garden. Email me for consultations and rates.