Happy winter solstice.

Happy winter solstice.

Here in Australia the shortest day of the year often indicates the start of colder weather, even though the days will begin to get longer, but in the garden, it is a turning point for plants and often the beginning of the signs of spring. Whist I consider myself a...
Towards a plastic free garden.

Towards a plastic free garden.

I like to think I am pretty green when it comes to not using plastic- I take my own material bags to the supermarket or use cardboard boxes if available, try to buy stuff in glass rather plastic containers,never buy fruit and veg wrapped in plastic,avoid plastic...
Repotting a Finger lime

Repotting a Finger lime

I grow my Finger lime in a pot so I am able to move it into a more protected environment during our cold winters. I only have one and this gives me all the fruit I need. Last year it produced nearly 50 fruit and even though I used it in all kinds of imaginative...