Protecting your garden with an enclosure.

Protecting your garden with an enclosure.

Are you thinking of putting in a permanent walk in enclosure for your vegetable garden and fruit orchard? In my opinion it is well worth the investment. Watch a tour of my enclosure here >  When I first started growing vegetables the bird population took a few...
Wonderful Wombok.

Wonderful Wombok.

Chinese cabbage or Wombok (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) is a wonderful cool season crop. It is the perfect late summer/autumn crop as they prefer warmish temperatures of around 18- 20 to become established and grow. They will start to form a head as soon as the...
March Madness.

March Madness.

Early Autumn is by the far the busiest time of the year for me in the productive garden. In winter I have most of my major crops in so just do a little continuous planting of the quick harvest crops and spring though busy doesn’t have the franticness of autumn and...
Why I have decided not to grow Kale this year.

Why I have decided not to grow Kale this year.

I am just a bit over Kale. We are bombarded through the media with a constant dialogue on the benefits of, and recipes for this vegetable, but frankly I do not like it. Give me a plate of steamed Broccoli any day. I have been growing Kale for the past 5 or 6 years,...