I have decided to have a go at growing my own sprouts and micro greens.

A few reasons:

Firstly I love the flavour and crunchiness of sprouts and although micro greens are really trendy at the moment, they add such a great burst of flavour and freshness to a plate that they really are a must with any dish.

I believe all the reported health benefits of sprouts, but have always been disappointed in the product I have purchased. Those lovely little containers of sprouts that look great in the shops but bring them home and within a day or two they are all slimy and have to be tossed. It is such a waste of money and packaging that I simply do not purchase them and therefore miss out on a great nutritional addition to my diet.

Secondly at this time of the year with daylight saving finished and the days so short, I am getting home from work in the dark and my usual practice of wondering into the veggie garden to get something for dinner does not happen. I try to pick enough stuff on the weekend to get me through the week but this is not as nutritious as “just picked”, hence the sprouts and micro greens, a mini fresh produce garden inside.

Thirdly I just cannot get past all the hype about the health benefits of broccoli sprouts, if they are half as good as is being reported I just have to have some in my diet to see if they work.

So I ordered, on line, from the fabulous guys at Green Harvest a basic sprouting kit and small micro greens kit with plenty of seeds to get me through the next few months.

I will keep you posted as to how it all goes and give you my opinion on if I think it is worth the time, effort and money. If you have ever grown from one of these kits, I would love you to comment below, or let me know how it went via Facebook or Twitter and talk to me about your experience!
Happy Gardening,
