Dividing your Rhubarb Plants

Dividing your Rhubarb Plants

  In my last post on ” The Joys of Organic Rhubarb” I talk about how it is necessary to divide your plants very three or four years. I also showed you the wonderful red stems of a new plant I had purchased  last season. I was anxious to have more than...
Growing Globe Artichokes

Growing Globe Artichokes

Globe Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus) is a luscious herbaceous perennial that produces lovely big flower buds that when prepared well are just a delight to eat. I also like to grow them as they are a fabulously elegant architectural plant with their large soft many lobed...
Growing fruit trees in small spaces.

Growing fruit trees in small spaces.

Following on from my blog on growing espalier apples, I thought I would share my other method of growing fruit trees in limited space. This is for those that do not feel they want to go to the trouble or don’t have the time and skills to try an espalier system. This...
Bumper Apple crop

Bumper Apple crop

It is apple season again and this year I have had a bumper crop. I have five apple trees espaliered along a fence and I have picked 130 kgs of fruit off them! Quite extraordinary. The five trees take up 20 meters of length, about ½ meter in width and 1.3 meters tall....
A Changing of the Seasons

A Changing of the Seasons

  There is a real autumn feel in the air at the moment and the colouring up of the Manchurian pear and Robinia, makes me realise that autumn is nearly here. The same is happening in the veggie garden, summer crops are finishing and the cooler air temperature are...


  Why grow citrus in pots Learn how to grow citrus trees in pots: Citrus are one of those plants that I think are a must in the garden. They have beautiful dark green foliage all year, sensuously perfumed flowers at various times of the year and then produce...