Freezing  your corn crop.

Freezing your corn crop.

Every year I always grow more corn then I can consume whilst it is at its best, so freezing is a way to preserve my crop for use later in the year when I am unable to grow corn. Here is a series of photos that explains what I do to achieve this very easy crop...
Saving seed from your favourite leafy greens

Saving seed from your favourite leafy greens

After several weeks of warm dry weather in the highlands, it is the perfect time for me to be saving seed from my summer leafy greens. I don’t save a lot of seed as I often buy punnets of seedlings or packets of commercial seed, simply because they are easy to pick up...
Get Growing – why not start today!

Get Growing – why not start today!

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start a veggie garden or grow more of your own food, but you don’t know where to start or you are having trouble getting motivated, here are some tips Increase your knowledge. Do some internet browsing or buy a book –...
Freezing  fresh garlic.

Freezing fresh garlic.

This year I miss timed my garlic harvest and the mature crop was hit with rain. The bulbs were fine but the tops had disintegrated which meant I could not plait and hang them as I usually do. There is something about leaving the dried tops on the bulbs and hanging...